Rod Ley
Public Works Director/Town Engineer
13400 Griffin Road Southwest Ranches, FL 33330
(954) 434-1490
The Public Works Director is responsible for general management of the Public Works Department, including public infrastructure and facilities, engineering services and the community services divisions. Public Works is responsible for the development of short and long range strategic planning and capital program planning and development. The five-year capital improvement program is managed by department staff ensuring all projects are completed on time and within projected budgets. The Engineering Services Division, under the direction of the Town Engineer, provides the following services:
- Land Development plan review and code compliance inspections for all proposed development projects within the Town’s municipal boundaries. All improvements from site grading and filling to residential and commercial building developments are reviewed, permitted and inspected by the division.
- Assists in developing and managing the Town’s Capital Improvement Program.
- Assists the community with interpreting and implementing the Towns Unified Land Development Code and related permitting processes and policy development.
- Provides technical consultation and guidance to other Town departments.
The Engineering Services Division provides a staff liaison, typically the Town Engineer, to assist the Town’s Drainage and Infrastructure Advisory Board (DIAB). The division is responsible for the administration of the Town’s Floodplain Management Ordinance, including oversight of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). Assists citizens with all issues related to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) compliance including the Community Rating System (CRS).
The Community Services Division identifies grant sources and develops grant applications for Town departments including Fire Rescue Services, the Town’s Police Department and Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department. Staff manages approved grants and the implementation of programs funded by multiple sources to ensure compliance with federal, state, county and corporate grant requirements.
The Community Services Division serves as staff liaison to the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Board (CPAB). Staff provides input to the Advisory Board and Town Council concerning the development of policies and procedures concerning review and the development of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan which addresses various elements including Future Land Use, Housing, Transportation, Recreation and Open Space, Conservation, Utilities, Public School Facilities, Intergovernmental Coordination, and Capital Improvements.
Community Services assists in the prioritization of infrastructure capital improvement needs and maintenance of public works facilities including streets, drainage, traffic signs and Guardrails. The division manages special projects and programs including the E-911 Street Addressing program. Staff monitors the operations of firms contracted to perform engineering, planning, building inspections and capital project services. The Division assists the Engineering Division in managing capital improvement projects including the preparation of construction specifications, and bid documents, contract oversight, and inspections. Provides administrative support to the Town Engineer in development permit processing, monitoring, filing and coordination with other departments and agencies regarding planning and zoning, building construction, and environmental permitting.

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